Hi readers!!!

First off, I want to apologise for such a freaking long Hiatus. Many of you may have seen my reasons elsewhere, but if not – life took hold…BIG time. We had Shane’s visa to sort out, and needed to get our life together >.< we have taken so many massive steps these past couple of years, we needed time for things to settle down so we could start to enjoy ourselves.

I was wanting to upload a lot sooner this year, but figured it would be best if I got a huge buffer in my pocket ready for upload. I am currently on page 244, and plan on finishing chapter 10 before uploading here. That will give me 40 pages in total (most of which, is available on Patreon for $1!), so I plan to upload in 4 weeks time 🙂

There is one other thing, because it was taking SO LONG for me to complete a page of Tethered (I work full time so it was a LOT of pressure >.<), I have changed up the Tethered style. This will happen half way through this chapter xD but holy heck it means I can really push the pages out and get this story on a roll again!!

Thank you to everyone for your patience, I have really appreciated it!!